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Population and Housing Census

Population and Housing Census

The English version of this webpage includes the Survey Form of the 2017 Population and Housing Census.

On the Spanish version of this webpage, you can find a wide range of information related to the population and housing censuses, including digital publications of the censuses from 1918 to 2017. You can also access the REDATAM tool, which is a web system for consultation, processing, analysis, and dissemination of data and sociodemographic indicators based on census information. With this tool, users can generate tabulations such as frequencies and cross tabulations using variables of the units of analysis of the census (dwellings, households, persons), can request basic sociodemographic indicators, and can determine the way in which each of these tabulations is presented (i.e., the way in which they can be displayed through geographic selections of particular areas or through specific filters for groups of interest).

For the full range of related information and tools, see the Spanish version of this web page at Censo de Población y Vivienda

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National Statistics Institute