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Individual Income and Expenses

Summary - Individual Income and Expenses

The Household Budget Survey (HBS) is an economic survey of households, whose main objective is to identify the structure and characteristics of final consumption expenditure and the structure of total disposable income of urban households in the regional capitals and their main urban areas, using a reference period of one year.

The HBS is conducted every five years in accordance with the suggestions of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), which recommends providing a spending structure in order to update the Consumer Price Index (CPI) at least once every five years.

The collection of data from households uses instruments from the IX HBS 2021-2022, which are classified as follows: (1) one module that captures socio-demographic characteristics of the household, (2) three modules that capture expenditure, including one digital questionnaire and two paper questionnaires, and (3) one module that records household income. The purpose of every questionnaire and module is to measure expenditure, but they vary mainly according to the type of goods and services they measure and according to the reference period for each expenditure.

One of the purposes of the HBS is its use as a principal input for defining the basket of goods and services of the CPI and their respective weights. It is also a source for updating the lines of poverty and indigence used in the official measurement of income poverty by the Ministry of Social Development.

The Supplementary Survey of Income (Encuesta Suplementaria de Ingresos, or ESI) is a complementary module that is conducted together with the National Employment Survey (ENE) in the October-December quarter of each year. The objective of the ESI is to characterize the labour income of persons who are classified as employed in the ENE as well as their household income from other sources. The survey is conducted at the national and regional levels according to prices in October of each year. The reference period for the ENE is the previous week, while the reference period for the ESI is the previous month.

Employment income captured by the ESI is net income, excluding statutory deductions and taxes. The income of employed persons used in the calculation of the main estimators (mean income, median income, and, eventually, hourly income) includes income from their main job, but it excludes income from other jobs and from other sources.

Since 2010, the results of the ESI have come from a new questionnaire, which includes a series of improvements to questions on income that enable them to be captured with greater precision. The results are the first measurement of income based on the current National Employment Survey (ENE). Thus, they have incorporated the conceptual changes of the ENE. Because of these conceptual changes, the results produced since 2010 are not comparable with previous versions.

For the full range of INE's statistics on individual income and expenses, see the Spanish version of this web page at Ingreos y Gastos
National Statistics Institute