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National unemployment rate


Moving quarter, May - Jul 2024

Nominal Earnings Index


Monthly variation, July 2024 (provisional)

Labour Market

Summary - Labour Market

The current National Employment Survey (Encuesta Nacional de Empleo, or ENE), which has been in use since the January-March 2010 quarter, is a household survey of private occupied dwellings. The ENE is representative at the national and regional levels.

The ENE classifies and characterizes all persons of working age (fifteen years and over) according to their situation in the labour market, identifying those within the labour force (employed and unemployed) and those who are outside the labour force or inactive.

The ENE provides estimates of the main labour market indicators by moving quarter. The estimates are officially published on the last working day of each month.

The statistics on labour informality complement the information of the ENE, providing a more detailed characterization of the quality of the jobs created in the labour market.

The main indicators are the Informal Employment Rate and the Employment Rate in the Informal Sector, both of which have been available since the July-September 2017 quarter. Each month these indicators are provided together with the results of the ENE. In February, May, August, and November, a bulletin is published that provides more detailed information on informality for each calendar quarter.
The Monthly Survey of Earnings and Labour Costs gathers information from enterprises and formal institutions operating within the national territory that have five or more workers on the payroll. This survey is the basis for estimates of earnings, labour costs, and hours paid to workers, among other variables.
As its name indicates, the main objective of the Monthly Survey of Earnings and Labour Costs is to measure the monthly change in earnings and labour costs in Chile, according to economic sector and size of the enterprise, in a precise, reliable, and timely manner.
The main objective of the Survey of Micro-enterprise (Encuesta de Microemprendimiento, or EME) is to thoroughly characterize micro-enterprises at a national level in order to identify the limitations and opportunities of small economic units in carrying out their activities.

The EME is conducted in households where the owners of micro-enterprises reside. The survey occurs every two years and has been undertaken by the National Statistics Institute (INE) in conjunction with the Ministry of Economy, Development, and Tourism since 2013.

The EME is a tool of great statistical importance for Chile because it surveys the entire spectrum of micro-enterprises, both formal and informal, and includes all economic sectors.

Statistics based on administrative records are a series of products calculated from the Superintendency of Social Security (Superintendencia de Seguridad Social, or SUSESO). These products are mainly from records of Social Security for Occupational Accidents and Occupational Diseases (Law No. 16.744).

The main products generated from these records are the labour turnover rate, labour entrance rates, and labour exit rates.

For the full range of INE's statistics on the labour market, see the Spanish version of this web page at Mercado laboral
National Statistics Institute