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Summary - Manufacturing

In its commitment to provide relevant and timely information, the National Statistics Institute (INE) publishes a series of products related to the manufacturing industry.

The Manufacturing Production Index (Índice de Producción de la Industria Manufacturera, or IPMan) is a monthly index that compiles information on establishments and companies based in Chile, measuring physical production, gross production value, manufacturing sales, and number of person-hours. With an analysis of year-on-year and monthly variations, the index provides an approximation of the evolution of the volume of manufacturing production through the original and seasonally adjusted series.

The measurement of the Index of Inventories of Manufacturing (Índice de Inventarios de la Industria Manufacturera, or IIMan) complements the analysis of the IPMan by providing a monthly estimate of the evolution in inventories (valued at current prices in Chilean pesos) of manufacturing companies.

The structure of manufacturing is observed through the Annual National Survey of Industry (Encuesta Nacional Industrial Anual, or ENIA), an annual statistical census instrument that provides information on production, sales, income by economic activity, purchases of inputs and raw materials, and employment and salaries, among other variables.

Wheat Milling provides information on the quantities of wheat produced by related establishments, thus showing the supply side of this activity.

Finally, the Industrial Production Index (Índice de Producción Industrial, or IPI) gathers information from the sectors of Manufacturing; Mining; and Electricity, Gas, and Water.

For the full range of INE's statistics on manufacturing, see the Spanish version of this web page at Industria manufacturera
National Statistics Institute