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The Supplementary Survey of Income (ESI) is a complementary module within the National Employment Survey (ENE). The ESI is conducted once a year during the October–December quarter in all regions of Chile, both in urban and rural areas. Its objective is to characterize the labour income of people classified as employed in the ENE and their income from occupations other than the main job, both at the national and regional levels.
As of the 2018 version of the ESI, statistical tables are no longer published in Excel format. Since 2018, the ESI income indicators have instead been provided to users on the platform INE.STAT.
National DirectorateMorandé 801Floor 2, Santiago, ChileRUT: 60.703.000-6Postal code: 8340148
Hours of operation:Monday to Friday 9:00 to 17:00E-mail:
On-site assistance:Monday to Friday 10:00 to 15:00, floor 2 E-mail: