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INE hosts the World Bank for the IPNOS evaluation

The collaboration will last until December, when the principal recommendations will be presented.

The national director of INE, Ricardo Vicuña, received the World Bank mission for the IPNOS (Improving the Productivity of the National Offices for Statistics) evaluation, which is a set of tools for producing more and better statistics through balancing adequate resources and their efficient use.

IPNOS addresses the gap in data-evaluation initiatives by focusing on the costs, quality, and management processes of national statistical offices, specifically for three important statistical products: censuses, household surveys, and administrative records.

With this objective in mind, the mission, which consists of Trinidad Saavedra, Alejandro Medina-Giopp, Arthur Giesberts, Paola Gadsden, Jaroslav Brechja, and Jorge Martínez, arrived at the National Statistics Institute of Chile to begin a collaborative project that will last until December, when a report with the main recommendations and a work plan for certain areas of INE is scheduled to be delivered.

This work plan evaluates the effects of the steps, cost, and time needed for execution; it also distinguishes between strictly internal actions and those requiring interagency coordination.

During the first day, the National Director of INE presented a general overview of the institution, the main achievements of recent years, and short- and medium-term challenges, among which he highlighted the important work of the regular production of INE's statistical products, the sustained progress in the use of administrative records, and the approval of a bill that creates a new institutional framework for the national statistical system.

The evaluations of IPNOS consist of three main pillars that lead to the finalization of an action plan. These pillars address the budget and profitability of production; the quality of processes, products, and user satisfaction; and institutional and organizational standards. Their previous application in six countries has led to the identification of inefficient production stages and various possibilities for improvement.

National Statistics Institute